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What Do I Do When My Long-Term Disability is Denied?
When your insurance carrier denies or discontinues your long-term disability (LTD) benefits, it's not a time to panic. It's also not a time to give up. LTD carriers employ a variety of tricks to deny benefits to injured employees, the bulk of which focus on whether the employee qualifies as "disabled" under the language of their policies.
Just because an insurance adjuster or case manager sends you a letter saying you're not disabled does not make it true. Your doctor knows you're hurt, and you certainly know you're hurt. To take the insurance company's decision to the contrary as the final word on the issue is to surrender -- just as they hope you will. A denial of LTD benefits is where the battle begins, and it's also where you need experienced legal counsel on your side to help you through it.
Contact JD Schroeder Law today for a free consultation on your LTD benefits. There is no obligation and no fee unless we recover benefits for you!
Contact JD Schroeder Law